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Where are Nail Order Gels Manufactured?

Where are Nail Order Gels Manufactured?

Our gels are currently manufactured in 3 locations - the UK, EU and China.
With only 4 products currently manufactured in China, our gels are predominantly made in the UK and EU.

There has been an obsession in the industry of late in regards to where products are made as if products made in certain countries are "bad" or more "unsafe". The simple fact of the matter is that how "safe" a product is comes down to the due diligence of the brand producing that product.

As a UK based brand it is up to us to ensure that the product that we are selling meets with the regulations of our own government and that the product is complaint, both in terms of the product itself as well as the labelling and registration of that product with the appropriate authorities.

Picture this, you (as a UK brand) approach a factory in the USA to product your gels. That factory is not going to be aware of the regulations in your country as it is only their responsibility to know the regulations of their country. As a result, as the importing party, it is your responsibility to ensure that those products comply with UK laws and regulation. The factory in the USA would likely not be aware that, for instance, in the UK there are limits of the amount of HEMA or Di-HEMA that can be used in a product or that to sell products, in the uk, containing these chemical's that they may only be sold to professionals. Every country will have different regulations and its up to the individual brands to ensure that they are complying with the regulations of their own country.

At Nail Order we are passionate about bringing our customers the highest quality products that are responsibly and safely manufactured. We have found that to do that, sourcing products from a variety of factories, in a variety of locations works best for us. 

As a result our gels are currently manufactured in 3 locations - the UK, EU and China.

Our gels and primers are predominantly made in the EU and UK but we do have a few products still manufactured in China...


The products that we currently have manufactured in China are Xprep, Xprime, Xetch and Xgel. All of our products that are manufactured in China have been third party lab tested outside of China to verify the ingredients and all products are made to our unique formulas, with an emphasis on low % allergens. China has been known to have more relaxed regulations around certain chemicals and reporting in the past, this is why we, as a brand chose to have our China made products independently lab tested to break down the chemical composition of each formula and verify the ingredients.


All of our gel polish, base coat, top coats, Ultima gel and Flexi gel are currently made in the EU. When we began the search for our gel polish formula we knew that we wanted it to be made in the EU or UK but that we absolutely could not compromise on quality. As a result we tested made samples from a whole variety of countries (including the UK, Germany, Latvia and Estonia to name but a few) and eventually landed on the formula we have (and love) today!


At this time all of our AnGel builder gels, Dura Gel hard gel, Art Gels and primer are made in the UK. Very like our search for the perfect gel polish, the search for the perfect builder gel took us to several different countries and we were so pleased when our search ended close to home. We would like to work towards a future where all of our gels are made in the UK but only when we can ensure the same level of quality as our existing range.

All of our gels are compliant with the 2009/1223 regulations for GB (previously EU), all products are registered on the CPNP (cosmetic products notification portal and the SDS for each individual product can be found attached to each product under "Key Ingredients".

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